Carter and I have been pretty big prayer warriors for quite some time now. If
we say we are going to pray for you, then we seriously do just that. We pray!
We have seen the difference our prayer time makes in our lives as well as others.
I have noticed as I continue to strengthen my relationship with God that my
prayer life has shifted. It's not just
the "Please get me there safely" or "Let me pass that test"
or "please give me ____"...they aren't like Carter would say
"Santa Clause prayers" any more. (Or at least not as much.) I find
myself praising Him for who He is instead of focusing on materialistic wants
and needs that aren’t aligned with His will. I believe He really is who He
says He is and thank Him constantly for that. I stay excited about my time with
Him now, whether it be one-liners throughout my day or for a longer time
frame. I will admit that it's taken me
years to not feel awkward praying, to know that it's okay if I don't know what
to say (The Holy Spirit intercedes.), to not be embarrassed to pray out loud in
front of people, ... Just like with any
thing else, we have to start somewhere, right?
your prayer life like? Is it a chore? Does it come easy? Is it a "give me
__" session? We read in scripture that Jesus that in itself,
tells us that we should, too. Let us know how we can be praying for you.