My first meeting of my miracle and finding out I'd been carrying a SON!
Micah (6 months old) and "his pup pup"
Micah (1 year old)
I was reflecting on Micah’s growth recently from our miracle being
in my womb to him turning two this past May.
Thankfully, he has grown into a healthy little boy with his weight and
height. He went from momma’s milk to
solids to whole milk and big boy meals to 2% milk.
Micah’s gone from loving his
baths to wanting to swim and do fun water activities like mommy and daddy.
“Micah ski!” (Maybe next summer ; )) His big growth moments this summer have
been talking in phrases now and surprising us with new vocabulary when we least
expect it. He’s wanting to do so much more on his own now. He’s excited and not
at all scared to do new things. Besides wanting to swim on his own so badly, he
loved his new hiking adventures in the mountains. “Hike. Hike. Water (meaning
Seeing him talk to Joy and tell her stories melts my heart; they
are best friends. “Pup Pup, come here. Play outside.” He loves to copy anything
we do and enjoys helping. “Me. Help.” Everywhere we turn, we can’t help but see
how Micah is growing and changing as he matures.
Not only has our little guy grown physically, activity wise, and
with his vocabulary, he’s also learned more emotions and how to respond to
situations or what we are saying. Sometimes that response is super mature, and
others is definitely a two year old pout or fit.
How is he already 2????
We constantly have prayed for Micah to be healthy, kind, and to
love Jesus. It’s precious to see him now
bow his head, close his eyes, and copy Mommy and Daddy’s words the best that he
can while praying before meals or at bedtime. Or for him to pull out his bible
to read at bed time. Or to say “Church, Church, Church” on Sunday mornings when
we head out the door for church.
With all of that being said, I can’t help but ask myself, “How am
I growing? How am I growing as a Christian, with my relationship with the Lord?
What about as a wife and mother? Or as a mentor or friend? Professionally?...
What about you?
I am a huge believer on growing daily in some way or another. How
can we grow to be that better person tomorrow than we were today if we are
given the opportunity?
Someone was super excited about going to school this year!