Carter and I continue to praise and thank Our Father through this transitional stage. We are constantly seeing His hands at work through our lives as well as the lives of others. Recently, we have explored the zoo, taken walks on the beach, floated over/swam through/and been knocked over by the ocean waves, watched kids dig sand holes and build huge sand art as well as castles, read and dug into scripture together, witness a baby’s baptism at church last Sunday, worked on transforming our place into a home, and our list goes on. Kristin has been studying some of God’s attributes, and we’ve had some awesome discussions lately about them. These last couple days, Kristin keeps focusing on God as our Creator. He created the heavens and the earth; His outstretched arm made the people and animals on this earth. God created us, you and me...just the way He did so that we will glorify Him. The skies, the ocean, babies, you, me...all proclaim the works of His hands.
We kept watching a kid on the beach one day. He dug and dug...until he fit down in his gigantic sand hole that he made over several hours. You could barely see the tip of his head when he was down in the hole. He was at the perfect spot until the tide eventually came in. The hole was filled. The next day, the beach was clean, hole-free and made anew. Carter and I were relating this to how as children of God, we confess our sins, and God is so gracious, forgiving, and merciful to wash our sins away to make us clean again.
There are so many more discussions we’ve had through all this: Training up a child, the beauty of His art, why is it so hard to confess our sins sometimes, don’t understand why most people do not take mentoring seriously, how can you not believe in God when you see His beauty through the sunset/sunrise, the ocean, the creatures and people He’s created, etc.
We thank Him for creating the world, the animals, you, and us. We thank Him for being the builder of everything! What an awesome Creator He is!